Ardy Build package

class*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ardy.config.ConfigMixin

copytree(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None)
create_artefact(src, dest, filename)
pip_install_to_target(path, requirements=u'', local_package=None)

For a given active virtualenv, gather all installed pip packages then copy (re-install) them to the path provided. :param str path:

Path to copy installed pip packages to.
  • requirements (str) – If set, only the packages in the requirements.txt file are installed. The requirements.txt file needs to be in the same directory as the project which shall be deployed. Defaults to false and installs all pacakges found via pip freeze if not set.
  • local_package (str) – The path to a local package with should be included in the deploy as well (and/or is not available on PyPi)
static read(path, loader=None)
run(src_folder, requirements=u'requirements.txt', local_package=None)

Builds the file bundle. :param str src:

The path to your Lambda ready project (folder must contain a valid
config.yaml and handler module (e.g.:
Parameters:local_package (str) – The path to a local package with should be included in the deploy as well (and/or is not available on PyPi)
src_path = u''
static timestamp(fmt=u'%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S')