Alias and Versions


To use Alias with Ardy, you must set True “use_alias”. ¿What is the difference?

If not use alias, when you deploy, for example, this configuration:

  "FunctionName": "LambdaExample1",
  "Handler": "myexamplelambdaproject.lambda1.main.my_handler",
  "deploy_environments": {
    "dev": {"FunctionName": "LambdaExample1_dev"},
    "pre": {"FunctionName": "LambdaExample1_pre",},
    "pro": {"FunctionName": "LambdaExample1_pro",}

When you run this 3 commands:

ardy deploy LambdaExample1 dev
ardy deploy LambdaExample1 pre
ardy deploy LambdaExample1 pro

Ardy create a AWS Lambda for each environment (“LambdaExample1_dev”, “LambdaExample1_pre”, “LambdaExample1_pro”). Each AWS Lambda could has a specific configuration (I.E: Set different VPCS for each environment, different runtime…)



If use alias, with this configuration:

  "FunctionName": "LambdaExample1",
  "Handler": "myexamplelambdaproject.lambda1.main.my_handler",
  "deploy_environments": {
    "dev": {"Description": "AWS lambda LambdaExample1 DEV environment"},
    "pre": {},
    "pro": {"Description": "AWS lambda LambdaExample1 PRO environment"}

When you run this 3 commands:

ardy deploy LambdaExample1 dev
ardy deploy LambdaExample1 pro

Ardy create just one AWS Lambda “LambdaExample1”, increment its version and creates 2 alias pointed to diferents versions of the lambda.

../_static/aws_alias0.png ../_static/aws_alias1.png ../_static/aws_alias2.png


  "version": 1,
    "region": "eu-west-1"
  "deploy": {
    "deploy_method": "S3",
    "deploy_bucket": "lambdartefacts",
    "deploy_environments": [
    "use_alias": true
  "Role": "arn:aws:iam::01234567890:role/service-role/LambdaTest",
  "Runtime": "python3.6",
  "lambdas": [
      "FunctionName": "LambdaExample1",
      "Handler": "myexamplelambdaproject.lambda1.main.my_handler",
      "deploy_environments": {
        "dev": {},
        "pre": {},
        "pro": {}
      "FunctionName": "LambdaExample2",
      "Handler": "myexamplelambdaproject.lambda2.main.my_handler",
      "deploy_environments": {
        "dev": {},
        "pre": {},
        "pro": {}
      "FunctionName": "LambdaExample3",
      "Handler": "myexamplelambdaproject.lambda3.main.my_handler",
      "deploy_environments": {
        "dev": {},
        "pre": {},
        "pro": {}